Starting at the Front Door: OTH President and CEO Todd Felsen on His Path...
It all began with a family trip to Disney World for Todd Felsen, president and chief executive officer of OTH Hotels Resorts, an independent...
Always Developing: Raines Managing Partner David Tart on His Path to a Fulfilling Partnership...
A “military brat” headed for a career in medicine, David Tart stumbled into commercial real estate and then the development side of hospitality after...
Beyond Business: Sage Hospitality Group President Daniel del Olmo Prioritizes Enriching People’s Lives
Daniel del Olmo joined Sage Hospitality Group at a challenging time, just as the world was facing the reality of a global pandemic in...
A Road Less Traveled: Maverick’s CEO on Eschewing Rules and Embracing Free Thinking
While considering names for the company he was establishing, Maverick Hotels and Restaurants CEO Bob Habeeb said “bells went off” when a friend who...
Rockbridge ‘Ready’ For Lifestyle Growth With New Brand
Longtime Rockbridge CEO Jim Merkel recently spoke about how the company he co-founded in 1999 has evolved over the decades. As such, he reflected...