Making Sure Employees Can Communicate in a Crisis

Hotels promise to provide guests with a comfortable stay, and hotel employees are responsible for making that happen. However, like many other industries, hospitality work has its security concerns—both for the safety of guests and employees. And, in the event of a crisis, it’s important for hotels to ensure that employees have the tools they need to request help and support.

To be sure that employees are safe, companies like Secura, LLC offer technology to serve as a “panic button” for employees in cases of emergency. According to SecuraTrac CEO Chris Holbert, “it relieves [employees] from having to worry […] because wherever you go, you have this device on your hip. You just have to push the button and have instant communication and help.”

Employers, like employees, can also reap the benefits of this safety measure. In addition to ensuring the best for their employees’ well-being, Holbert mentions that the extra security could attract new employees and increase employee retention. While panic buttons are supposed to provide a sound safety precaution for employers, Holbert explains that some employers and employees may doubt whether such devices are reliable and worth the investment, but maintains that, ultimately, safety is more cost-efficient in the long run.

Thanks to social movements such as #MeToo, members of the hospitality industry are taking steps to ensure that sexual assault, and any dangerous situation, can be prevented. According to Holbert, “It is a real issue that I think most businesses, especially in the hospitality sector, try and take seriously and do something about, and we give them one way to do that.”

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