As the sun sets on the summer 2022 season, a vision of the hotel industry’s new post-pandemic norm lies on the horizon. While virtually all aspects of life have changed, one certainty remains clear—the COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the way the world perceives travel. Most notably, hoteliers will welcome guests that have emerged with renewed vigor and a fresh perspective that firmly positions sustainability as a business imperative.
This transitional period is the ideal time to assess current technologies and consider more energy-efficient models that will both appeal to an eco-friendly ethos and boost your bottom line. And, with nearly 40% of hotel energy costs and almost half of electricity consumption devoted to heating and cooling, HVAC systems are a smart place to start.
Today, sustainability is a higher priority than ever before among both leisure and business travelers, alike. In fact, sustainability initiatives will play an increasingly important role in the industry, according to the American Hotel and Lodging Association’s 2022 State of the Hotel Industry Report, concluding that hotels that make commitments to sustainable goals and programs are not just satisfying guests’ expectations, they are making changes that are good for business.
Guests have emphatically declared their intentions to pursue more eco-friendly travel-related choices. Nearly two-thirds (73 percent) of travelers would be more likely to choose accommodations if it has implemented sustainable practices, as reflected in a recent Booking.com Sustainable Travel Report. The vast majority of travelers, over 78 percent, even say they would pay more for a vacation to lower their carbon footprint, according to the Vacationer 2022 Sustainable Travel Survey.
The question remains, with hotel owners still feeling the pressure of a pandemic economy and the need to prioritize spending on the necessities of keeping their business afloat, is investing in sustainable HVAC an immediate priority? The good news is hoteliers don’t need to choose between eco-consciousness and cost-effectiveness. The goal is to align sustainable investments with a solid financial return. And, the latest heating and cooling systems offer the best of both worlds.
Case in point, one such new technology is the award-winning Split Terminal Heat Pump (STHP) Series recently launched by Fujitsu General, specifically addressing the needs of hotels, motels, and other types of lodging properties. The innovative inverter-driven heat pump offers a more energy-efficient, reliable, and quieter alternative to conventional Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC) and Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP) units—ideal for either replacements or new construction.
Keeping a Keen Eye on ROI and Guest Satisfaction
The 2022 Dealer Design Award-winning system offers an array of features and benefits to optimize overall return-on-investment and end-user guest experience. STHP units boast up to a 58 percent reduction in electricity costs because they reach the set temperature faster than their PTAC counterparts and maintain the desired temperature for a longer period of time. They provide up to a 21.3 SEER rating, well above the Energy Star minimum of 14.5 for air conditioners. Perfect for extreme weather, the systems are effective even with outdoor temperatures as low as 5 degrees. The systems are a solid long-term investment proving to have two-to-three times the lifespan of most PTACs and are supported by a 10-year warranty, representing a customer commitment that is twice as long as PTAC system warranties.
Guests will enjoy an ultimate experience and satisfaction. The new systems are up to 87 percent quieter than a standard PTAC system. Constant comfort levels are optimized with seven louver settings with auto-swing offering control that can be adjusted in multiple steps. This customization means there is better air mixing to eliminate stratification when heating and the user can direct cold air where needed when cooling a room. The indoor unit includes a handheld remote control for optimal guest convenience.
Hoteliers Remain in Total Control
Management is empowered with complete advanced system control by incorporating various potential options. Interlocking with external devices makes the system capable of being controlled through a field-supplied key card switch or other sensors. Compatible with Fujitsu’s BACnet and Modbus gateways, it can be easily integrated into most centralized building management systems. Various remote-control options are available including Fujitsu’s free FGLair app that enables remote operation via smartphone or tablet anytime or anywhere.
The forever-changed hotel and lodging landscape presents the sector with a unique opportunity to lead the way with a redoubled commitment to sustainability. And, executing a business plan that coincides with guests’ purpose-driven values by leveraging the latest energy-efficient technologies—including HVAC systems—is no longer the exception, but the golden rule. Thriving in our new world means placing the needs of the planet and people at the heart of your road to recovery.
Sponsored by Fujitsu General.