Marriott Testing Streaming Services in Select Hotels

    Binge-watching is now on the room service menu for select Marriott guests. Bloomberg has reported that Marriott International Inc. has made streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Pandora available in eight properties. While guests can already access Netflix through the hotels’ Wi-Fi, this new television streaming platform allows both Netflix and Marriott to generate revenue as part of the hotel company’s push to create a different in-room entertainment experience.

    “We have invited leading technology companies and content providers to work with us to design the next wave in in-room entertainment focusing on on-demand programming,” said John Wolf, a spokesman for Bethesda, Maryland-based Marriott. “We are currently offering guests in eight test hotels the opportunity to stream their content through our high-definition TVs whether it is Netflix, Hulu or Pandora.”

    San Diego Source

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