Jim Wefers, general manager of the Courtyard Marriott and Residence Inn in Syracuse, New York, explains how he created a close-knit community of team members at his dual-branded property.
Make employees feel involved.
“Approach your employees face-to-face and ask them how things are going,” Wefers recommends. “Take an interest in their day-to-day tasks and how they feel they are performing. If issues arise, try to work on a solution with the employees themselves by asking if they have any suggestions or recommendations about how things can run more smoothly. Make sure they know that their opinions are of value to the hotel.”
Create friendly competition.
“Initiate games or contests between employees to increase hotel morale. If there is an end goal, employees will be more motivated to do their work, and do it well,” Wefers says.
“If you have a specific outcome in mind, think about the steps through which that outcome will be accomplished,” Wefers explains. “For example, if a hotel wants to increase revenue, the team needs to consider employee performance and ensure that everyone is performing their job efficiently and effectively. Customers will be more likely to recommend your hotel to friends and family if they have a positive experience. We all know the bottom line is how our hotel is judged at the end of the day By executing a plan to reach certain goals, the process will become much smoother.”