Circle of Success: New Stonebridge CEO Smith Looks to Build on Solid Foundation
The reputation of Stonebridge Companies as a prominent hotel operator has no doubt been “rock solid” over the past 30-plus years, but new President/CEO...
Pleasure to Serve: Rob Blood of Lark Hotels on Hospitality as a Lifestyle as...
Lark Hotels founder Robert Blood wears many hats now. In addition to serving as president of the boutique hotel brand and management company he...
Legacy Leading: C&W President Mark Williams on Taking Care of Family Business
President of Coakley & Williams (C&W) Hotel Management Company Mark Williams is at the helm of the business that has been in his family...
A ‘Two-Name’ Industry: Eric Danziger on Combining the Heart for Hospitality With a Head...
Newly retired hospitality icon Eric Danziger, who may be best remembered as the only CEO of Trump Hotels who wasn’t a Trump family member,...
Meyer Jabara Hotels’ New CIO Brings the Growth Mindset
Recently appointed Meyer Jabara Hotels (MJ) Chief Investment Officer Ian McAuley comes to this newly crafted position with 30 years of experience and relationships...