Post-COVID Choices: Choosing the Right PMS Provider
The travel and hospitality industry has been tested in new ways in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Travel Association,...
Ask Anthony: Choosing to Partner With a Management Company
Anthony Melchiorri, hotel fixer and host of Travel Channel’s Hotel Impossible, loves dishing out advice. From sharing best practices to tackling operational issues, he’s here...
3 Ways to Prepare for Hospitality Volume Hiring as Occupancy Increases
While major cities continue to show sizable gaps in current hotel occupancy compared to 2019, there are signs of return as the economy improves....
Knowland: April 2021 U.S. Group Meetings Volume Increased
ARLINGTON, Virginia — Knowland, an AI-powered data provider for hotels, convention and visitor bureaus, conference centers, and other meeting venues released its monthly meetings...
Leading Hotels of the World Announces Purchasing Program Collaboration
NEW YORK — The Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd. (LHW) is pleased to announce a collaboration with four new companies under their Leading...