Three Tips for Choosing Hotel Uniforms

Front-desk staff - hotel uniform

A hotel uniform serves many purposes—from protecting staff from potential hazards to creating a professional image for the business. A well-designed uniform can help hotels make the best first impression, but it’s equally important to choose the right materials for a comfortable fit and appropriate design to accommodate all of an employee’s responsibilities. Below are three tips for choosing hotel uniforms.

Is it practical and durable?

If there are two things that a hotel uniform needs to be, it’s practical and durable. A uniform that’s impractical may impact productivity. For example, if housekeeping staff wear footwear with a lack of slip-resistance, then they might not be comfortable or safe working on wet surfaces. Uniforms need to be durable and fit to work in a variety of different scenarios.

Does it protect from all the relevant hazards?

As in any work environment, there are potential hazards around every corner in a hotel. Hazards can be found in even the most innocuous places. Before choosing a uniform, it’s a good idea to take a walk around the whole building and flag any hazards that may cause harm. This can help hotel supervisors figure out what uniform items to buy and be confident that their staff will be safe at all times.

Is it comfortable and stylish?

Finally, hotel staff uniforms should be both comfortable and stylish. If employees are uncomfortable, morale may take a hit, which will ultimately result in lower productivity. If the uniform is stylish, staff will be more likely to wear it with pride.


All in all, the wrong uniform can give off the wrong impression or set the wrong tone for the hotel as a whole—and bad first impressions can be difficult to change.

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Richella O’Driscoll is the website and e-commerce manager for SFC Europe.