Hotels typically renovate their guestrooms every five to 10 years. While financial resources must be expended on tangibles like FF&E during a PIP, there are other areas—such as housekeeping—that also necessitate investments to ensure that new standards are met. Below are three housekeeping investments that are also investments in guestrooms.
Just because a guestroom has been renovated does not mean that the cleaning process or performance standards should remain unchanged. Room attendants who are not trained to clean the updated guestrooms according to the brand’s standards will deliver inconsistent results, which can lead to rework that drives up labor costs and decreases guest satisfaction There is a direct correlation between money invested in training housekeeping employees and the consistency and degree of the work that they render.
Housekeeping investments in new or technologically advanced cleaning equipment can result in increased operational efficiency, faster cleaning times, fewer repetitive motion injuries, and more sanitary hotel rooms.
Investing in an additional stage of the cleaning process where all serviced guestrooms must be reviewed by a floor supervisor or housekeeping inspector before being returned to saleable inventory can drive up guest satisfaction scores and reduce complaints from disappointed guests, not to mention lowered quality assurance inspection scores. As the adage suggests, “You can always expect what you inspect.”
Interesting article. If the hotel room has tile floors in the bathroom I also highly recommend an investment of professional grout sealing in order to make it easier to keep the floor clean.