Anthony Melchiorri, hotel fixer and host of Travel Channel’s Hotel Impossible, loves dishing out advice. From sharing best practices to tackling operational issues, he’s here to answer your questions.
What will define our industry in the New Year? As a new year arrives, experts in the hotel industry like to make predictions, myself included. However, I have a different take on this particular question. I believe that 2017 is going to be the year of hospitality. Whether you run a gas station, a three-star restaurant, or a five-star hotel, hospitality is, by definition, what we do. It doesn’t cost you anything to say good morning to someone, and it doesn’t cost you anything to say thank you. Whether you’re working within the four walls of your bar, restaurant, or hotel or you’re on a sales call or doing maintenance around a property, whatever your position or wherever you are, always think of yourself as a vehicle for hospitality. Don’t be confined to one focus or class of service. It’s not service you’re giving, it’s hospitality. Make someone else’s day brighter. Whether you’re going to see Airbnb start to hold high standards for its hosts or whether there will be new products coming into use or just how successful the Marriott merger will be, nothing changes the fact that it’s all still going to be about the feeling of hospitality.
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When is Hotel Impossible coming back? My family and I miss it so much 🙁 !! It’s our favorite show (other than Survivor 😉 ) to watch as a family!