With more than 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, Marina MacDonald, CMO at Red Roof Inn since 2014, has seen plenty of change in the ways the industry caters to guests. However, she says that the industry has always revolved around meeting guests’ wants, needs, and expectations.
Listen to find out what customers want.
“Too often, companies across every industry simply assume that they know what consumers want. At Red Roof, we take the time to survey our guests and only implement the changes they actually want. We have consistently found that these requests are typically quite easy to implement and doing so keeps our guests happy and coming back.”
Listen to franchisees.
“At Red Roof, we build genuine relationships and real results with our franchisees, connecting them with a veteran operations team boasting an average of 15 years’ experience and offering our franchisees fees among the lowest in the industry.”
Turn feedback into action.
“Actively listening, then reacting and responding in real-time comes naturally to us as a company, as our entire philosophy is built upon a foundation of open and consistent communication with our consumers.”
What? A company that listens to and acts on customer requests?
Wow,what a concept!