HHM’s Independent Hotel Portfolio Promotes Literacy

PHILADELPHIA—With clever whimsy and insightful prose, Dr. Seuss sets the tone for the month-long campaign led by HHM’s Independent Hotel Portfolio to promote literacy this March, National Reading Month. In partnership with the United Way and Cradles to Crayons, the campaign “Oh, the Places You’ll Go with Literacy” will launch on Dr. Seuss’s birthday—March 2—with launch events at participating hotels.

For the duration of the campaign, March 2 – March 31, 2017, these hotels will collect books and donations to purchase books for local children in need. As partners, United Way and Cradles to Crayons will facilitate in the procurement of Dr. Seuss books for sale at the hotels along with the collection and distribution of books and donations.

“As a company and particularly at our independent hotels, education remains a focus of our corporate philanthropy. We are committed to promoting education wherever we can.” said Naveen Kakarla, chief executive officer. “Through EarthView, our environmental and community engagement program, we use our corporate philanthropy to make impactful changes in the communities where we do business. The excitement around this project has been better than expected and we look forward to great results.”

Hotels will participate in three ways. First, drop-off boxes collecting new and gently used books for readers under 12 years will be placed it in the lobby of participating hotels. Dr. Seuss classics will also be for sale in the lobby or in guestrooms and all proceeds from the sales will be donated to the campaign. Purchasers can choose to take the book with them or drop it in the lobby collection box. Lastly, the front desk of participating hotels will be accepting donations; guests can add these donations to their bill at checkout.


The company’s Philadelphia corporate headquarters will also be collecting books and monetary donations.Will they succeed? As Dr. Seuss might say, “98 and three-fourths percent guaranteed.”

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