Up Front: Keeping Up Curb Appeal
Many travelers will hit the road this summer, increasing the need for enhanced curbside appeal at hotels near mainline routes. And while the adage...
Pest Control: Three Tips for Staying Ahead of Summer Pests
Hotel and lodging operators are entering into what is expected to be a busy travel season amid unprecedented circumstances. Labor shortages, supply chain disruptions,...
People-First Perspective: Growing and Shaping Revenue Leaders
It’s always important to know what to look for when hiring new revenue managers. But in today’s tight job market, it’s even more valuable...
Changing Landscapes: Addressing the Next-Generation Hospitality Industry
As the hotel industry moves to a post-pandemic environment, a changing landscape for business travel is emerging and, along with it, important questions about...
Shiji and IDeaS Partner and Build a Two-Way Integration
Shiji announced that, with IDeaS, they have built a two-way integration, which has been rolled out in partnership with The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels,...