ATLANTA—Officials of Castell Project, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the careers of women professionals in the hospitality industry, today announced that the organization is accepting nominations for its 2019 Castell Leadership Program. Now in its third year, the two-pronged program delivers essential advancement tools for women and implements a custom career development program to move attendees up the leadership ranks.
Interested participants are sponsored by their companies. They are nominated by a champion from their firm and also submit an application/registration sheet. Following a review of materials, individuals are contacted and interviewed for acceptance. Castell Program is exclusively for women in the hospitality industry and serves all facets of the industry from operations to franchise to finance to advisory services.
“With each cohort, we have refined the Castell program to build the strengths women need to advance,” said Peggy Berg, Castell president. “While women are 53 percent of the hotel industry workforce, we are drastically underrepresented in the c-suite and on the speaker’s dais. We are committed to changing the paradigm and are confident today’s dynamic rising business women will transform the industry. The Castell Program exists to provide the tools and resources to make it happen.”
The Third Annual Castell Leadership Program workshop runs April 29 through May 1, 2019. The one-year program sequence includes an individual career plan, Checkpoint 360 assessment, workshops, executive coaching, and membership in the WILL resource network (Women in Lodging Leadership Network).
Photo: 2017 Castell Leadership Program Class and Castell Project Board