I’m finding myself burnt out and considering a career change. Should I stay in the hotel industry?
The hospitality industry is not for everyone. You are required to work hard, often performing unglamorous tasks while thoughtfully anticipating the needs of everyone around you. You must be a selfless server of people, one who finds joy creating genuine connections with a stranger. Long hours, unpleasant clients, poor management, and sub-par compensation are common hurdles. Throw in a pandemic, staffing challenges, and supply chain issues and the burnout is real.
Whether you have been in the industry for two months or 20 years, it is time to take care of yourself with the same pride you have in taking care of others. Spend some designated time thinking about what brings you joy in your job and what does not. Set up a meeting with your manager to discuss your situation and explore your options. Focus on specific goals, needs, and skills you would like to develop that may help to present alternate paths of interest. Would a bonus or higher pay make a difference? Perhaps a month task forcing at another property? Hotels do not want to lose strong members of the team. Have a conversation before leaving your current property to make the most educated decision when moving forward. The grass is not always greener—check for different roles at your current property that may be better suited to your situation.
Did you know that it can take anywhere from weeks to years to recover from burnout? While a new job may seem like a quick fix, mending your mental state may not be. Be kind to yourself—go for a walk, spend time with family, and rest. Do things that bring you joy.
When it is good, there is a magic and spirit found in the hospitality industry that simply can’t be matched. This is an amazing career field with opportunities you will not find anywhere else. But if you do not love it, it becomes a job and not the career full of passion that we all deserve.