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Peggy Berg

Podium Power: Castell Project Director Peggy Berg on Easing Women’s Journey to the C-Suite

After selling the hotels and consulting business that capped a career in the industry spanning some 30 years, Peggy Berg figured her next act...
Castell Project - Ladder Up

Castell Project Launches $1 Million “Ladder Up” Capital Campaign

ATLANTA—Officials of Castell Project, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the careers of women professionals in the hospitality industry, this week launched...

Ted Teng To Step Down as CEO of The Leading Hotels of the World

NEW YORK—The Leading Hotels of the World this week announced that Ted Teng is stepping down from his position as president and CEO, effective...
Geoff Ballotti

Geoff Ballotti’s Next Steps as AHLA Chair

Like so many top executives in the industry, Geoff Ballotti started his hospitality career surrounded by suds—washing dishes in a hotel kitchen. Back then,...

Adjusting to the Role of GM

Have a question for our experts? Submit it here. I’m a new GM and completely overwhelmed by my responsibilities. How can I get a handle...