What Hotel Guests Really Look For To Stay Connected

Hotel properties can no longer afford to ignore the prevalence of mobile devices and connectivity. Easy-to-access outlets and USB ports for charging solutions aren’t merely conveniences—they’re necessities. What’s more, the future of hotel design suggests a comprehensive power and charging solution will align with high-tech features guests will soon expect, including smart technology in rooms, touchscreen amenities, and intelligent lighting systems. So what are hotel guests really looking for? Based on an online survey conducted in the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of Legrand Hospitality, hotel business executives should consider the following:

1. Smart charging solutions are a must.

According to the survey, a lack of convenient charging is a primary concern for 74 percent of hotel guests. What’s more, 83 percent of hotel guests find it frustrating when there isn’t an outlet available directly by their bed or nightstand to easily charge their devices. In-furniture solutions—whether located in the desk, headboard, or restaurant—it’s important to provide convenient access to connectivity and power.

2. Guests expect charging solutions to work.


It’s not enough to simply have outlets in a space—they need to be easy to access, intuitive to use, and look great, too. According to the survey, 95 percent of hotel guests expect switches and outlets to work well, and 61 percent notice if they function properly. Therefore, power solutions within a property should be reliable.

3. Beauty matters.

Thirty-one percent of hotel guests notice if outlets and switches are aesthetically pleasing, and 46 percent of them indicate they would spend more time at an indoor common area if it included easy access to an outlet for charging. Therefore, it makes sense to provide an abundance of outlets, USB ports, and accompanying wall plates that are also sleek and attractive in a hotel’s public spaces.

4. Outdoor areas should be enhanced with safe, reliable power.

According to the survey, 27 percent of hotel guests would use an outdoor power station if it were available, and half of hotel guests wish they had access to an outdoor power station. Today, outdoor charging stations are available in elegant designs and combine standard power outlets, USB outlets, and LED lights to illuminate pathways at night.

5. Every property should be future-ready.

The hotel of the future will incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) technology into the guest experience with touchscreen amenities and intelligent lighting and temperature controls and have uninterrupted connectivity with streaming WiFi. Hotels should optimize power and charging to support these connection needs.

When hotels invest in the right solutions, guests will notice, remember, and return.


About the Author
Rob Garcia is the hospitality sales manager at Legrand.


Photo courtesy of Legrand.

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