Peggy Berg is president of Castell Project, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the careers of women professionals in the hospitality industry. For women—and men—working on entering or advancing careers in the hospitality industry, Berg has these words of advice.
1Speak up for yourself.
“We encourage women to ask for public speaking opportunities—it’s a key to advancement.”
2Promote others to the podium.
“As a leader or conference organizer, help to showcase women on the podium—it’s a way to brand a company as future-oriented and to attract positive notice.”
3Find advocates.
“A critical part of the Castell program is teaching women to identify and value the leaders who are their advocates. Nothing is more important to a career than recognizing the men and women who help you develop.”
4Be an advocate.
“Being an advocate for the women on your teams is a great way to build loyalty and add value.”
Read more about Berg and how the Castell Project is advancing careers in the hospitality industry here.