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Tag: virtual reality

Virtual Reality - travel in 2040

Futurologist Predicts Travel Trends for the Next 20 Years

RICHMOND, Va. — By the year 2040, international travel will be a faster, easier, and more ecologically sustainable activity than ever before, according to...
Face recognition technology - Jorge Agnese

Four Hotel Technology Predictions for 2020

The new year and new decade will likely bring even greater advancements in hotel technology across both guest-facing and back-of-the-house applications. Whatever technologies hoteliers...
virtual reality

Virtual Reality Used in Design and Development of $1.5 Billion Hard Rock Hotel &...

SEATTLE - HTC VIVE shared that its VIVE Pro HMDs (virtual reality headset) and the VIVE VR platform were used in the design and...
The Chaos Jump Virtual Reality Game

Upgrading Hotel Game Rooms with Virtual Reality

Long gone are the days of hotel game rooms with arcade machines, pool tables, and bowling alleys. Today’s youngest guests are accustomed to technology...
Ruby Wang - St Giles 360

Three Hospitality Technology Innovators of 2018

A multi-faceted industry, there are more opportunities in hospitality to innovate, disrupt, and generally shake things up than in other business arenas. Innovating is...