Tag: direct booking
Why Direct Booking Maximizes Data, Loyalty, and Profits
As hotels struggle with rising costs, many are redoubling efforts to have customers book direct to cut out not only the fees associated with...
Hoteliers Must Focus on Long-Term Value Creation—Starting With the Booking Experience
Familiarity isn’t driving purchase intent when it comes to booking travel. Lodging brands should recognize this as a call to innovate. Instead of letting...
Boosting a Hotel’s Direct Booking Conversion Rate Without Giving Away Rooms
One of the biggest and most widespread misconceptions in the hotel industry is that discounting is the best way to boost direct bookings. Even...
Building Guest Loyalty with Better Mobile Apps
It’s no secret that mobile apps offer a bright future for hotel chains interested in building loyalty with their guests. This is especially true...
SiteMinder: Hotel Websites Rank Among the Top Three Booking Channels
SiteMinder has revealed the 15 booking channels that generated the greatest revenue for U.S. and Canada hotels in key tourism destinations in 2017. The...