1 Pest Elimination

McCloud Services is a leader in integrated pest management solutions. Its services begin with a data-driven plan tailored to the needs of the property to eliminate pest concerns that threaten a company’s reputation and brand. In a sensitive environment such as hotels, proper pest management is critical in creating a positive and safe experience for guests.
2Stuck Bugs

FIBERTRAP bedbug traps entice bedbugs into a cloud of microfiber specifically tailored to entangle their legs. Each trap has an adhesive backing, making it possible to catch the bedbugs in their favorite hiding places such as behind picture frames, behind headboards, inside drawers, on/under the box spring, and on the side of a mattress.
3Rodent Proof

Xcluder has expanded its line of rodent-proof products with new Dock Door Vertical Side Seals, which protect the small vertical gap on either side of a loading dock door. They feature a durable rubber gasket lined with Xcluder Rodent Proof Fill Fabric, a patented combination of stainless steel and polyfiber that is impenetrable to rats and mice.
4Pest-Free Lobby

Inviting spaces and engaging amenities bring guests out of their rooms and into shared spaces. With the introduction of these new spaces and different guest traffic patterns come new demands and potential public health risks. An Ecolab eBook provides simple strategies to keep these spaces clean, safe, healthy, and pest-free.
5Bed Bug Barrier

The CleanRest PLATINUM Encasing Mattress Pad, designed to enhance guests’ sleep experience with a waterproof, allergen, and bed bug barrier encasement with the comfort of a mattress pad.
6Detect Pests

The Delta Five Automated Bed Bug Detection System uses advanced technology to detect a single bed bug and notify hotel management before the bug finds a guest. Delta Five technology is currently deployed in thousands of hotel rooms, safeguarding the guest experience, protecting hotel reputations, and enabling significant cost savings.
7Sanitizing Scent

P&G Professional’s Febreze Professional sanitizing fabric refresher sanitizes, prevents mold and mildew growth, and removes smells from soft surfaces. It kills 99.9 percent of bacteria on soft surfaces and is effective against E.coli, MRSA, Salmonella, Staph, and more.
8Get It Handled

OpenClean Technologies hand-sanitizing door handles that easily integrate with or replace existing restroom door handles to make hand sanitization easy, intuitive, and accessible. Available in two versions—TurnClean and PullClean—allow guests and staff members to leave restrooms safely and hygienically, ensuring clean, sanitized hands each time.
9Protect Hotel Assets

Early detection and quick remediation are key to a successful pest control strategy, especially when it comes to bed bugs. Protect-A-Bed encasements help housekeepers identify outbreaks early and lock out bed bugs from their favorite harborage points. Encasing helps prevent the spread of bugs and ensures that mattresses doesn’t have to be replaced.
This edition of Supply Line on pest control and cleaning products originally appeared in the August 2019 issue of LODGING. To be featured in Supply Line, please email Don Serfass.