Lodging Daily News

Unhealthy Pace

Posted by LODGING Staff on  February 8, 2012
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Category: Market Reports
Over the years, PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR) has analyzed the cyclical nature of the lodging industry. Most recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the pace of recovery from the depths of the industry recession in 2009. Typical of historical recovery sequences, lodging demand and occupancy levels bounced back strongly in 2010, followed by real increases in average daily room rates (ADR) in 2011. When analyzing changes in hotel spa revenue since 2006,

Last Chance

Posted by LODGING Staff on  February 8, 2012
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March 15, 2012 is the ADA compliance deadline. That means next month your property needs to ensure guestrooms, the pool, the front desk, and other public spaces are in accordance with the new regulations, and that your employees are trained on service animals, when to release accessible rooms, and more. And HR has new rules to follow as well regarding accommodating employees with real or perceived disabilities. Hopefully, you’re well on your way toward compliance.

60-Second Profile: Phoenix Porcelli, The Waldorf-Astoria

Posted by LODGING Staff on  February 8, 2012
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Category: Success Stories
As recently as five years ago, Phoenix Porcelli says she didn’t even realize that hospitality was something that could be a field of study. The Santa Monica, Calif., native, who went to high school in Connecticut, ended up studying at Boston University, and she’s certainly glad she discovered the hospitality business as a career path. Although it’s been short so far—she graduated last May—she already finds herself heading the front desk at one of the

Keep It S-I-M-P-L-E

Posted by LODGING Staff on  February 8, 2012
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A guest forms an opinion of an establishment during the initial interaction with an associate. That first interaction is crucial, but so are the second, third, and fourth. All must be memorable and positive. In baseball, the batter gets three strikes. In guest service, we aren’t always so lucky. So how does one develop a service culture that inspires, develops, and motivates employees at all levels of the organization to create value for the organization

4 Questions for Mark Grenoble, Enchantment Group

Posted by LODGING Staff on  February 8, 2012
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Category: Checking In
Enchantment Group, which currently includes Enchantment Resort and Mii amo destination spa in Sedona, Ariz., and Tides Inn in Irvington, Va., has seen all three of its properties grow in 2011, up 20 percent in room nights. In addition, it has been awarded the management contracts for Hotel ZaZa’s spas in both Houston and Dallas. Editor Len Vermillion recently caught up with Enchantment Group President Mark Grenoble. 1. Len Vermillion: You’ve been able to increase