Hospitality Companies and Their Lenders: Preparing for Difficult Conversations
In a sudden reversal of generally expansionary trends, the hospitality business has been among the most immediate and badly hit economic sectors as a...
Three Ways Independent Hoteliers Can Survive the Downturn
The following article is from the viewpoint of Pritesh Patel, GM of the Hotel Pommier in Indianola, Iowa.
Hoteliers are accustomed to managing the ups...
Five Steps for Staying Afloat Through the COVID-19 Economic Fallout
With the hospitality industry in dire straits due to the continuing economic chaos caused by COVID-19, there seem to be few answers on when...
Recovery in the Transaction Market for Mid-Market and Economy Hotels
The following article is the perspective of Ed James, managing principal, Mumford Company.
Hotels still have value even in the darkest days of the COVID-19...
Delivering Truly Great Customer Service Is Critical—Now More Than Ever
If we’ve learned anything in the past few months, it is that unexpected things can happen to anyone at any time. No one is...