Study: Nearly Half of Consumers Remain Loyal for Rewards

ST. LOUIS, Mo.—More than 45 percent of consumers say the opportunity to earn rewards is a primary driver for purchasing from a brand, according...

Making Sure Your Hotel Chain Stays at the Top

OK, hotel owners: Now that you are operating your chain, it’s time to talk about staying ahead of the competition. It is critical to...

Management Contracts

While new hotel owners can leverage the skills they developed from a different business arena, operating a hotel without previous experience is no easy...

Director of Ops Shares Perks of Magnuson Affiliation

Lifelong Northern Californian Anthony X. Propps began working at his father’s hotel at the end of his sophomore year of high school to earn...

Gigabit Wi-Fi

The theoretic maximum data transfer speeds across new 802.11ac Wi-Fi networks is 1.3 gigabits per second (Gbps). Unfortunately, hotels aren’t likely to match these...

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How Technology Can Help Hotels Adapt to Changing Group Business Needs

Group business for hotels has changed dramatically in recent years. To meet the evolving needs of this segment and to remain competitive, hotels need...

UrVenue and Club Med Develop Group Itinerary Builder

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina—A new tool developed by UrVenue and Club Med has been unveiled at HITEC 2024. The Group Itinerary Builder provides a way...

Amadeus Incorporates Gen AI Into New Chatbot Offering

Amadeus detailed plans to incorporate Gen AI into a new chatbot for its business intelligence suite, debuting with Agency360+. The Amadeus Advisor chatbot by...