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IDeaS’ Ravi Mehrotra on the Realities of Data in the Revenue Management Space

IDeaS Revenue Solutions has been a cutting-edge presence in the hotel technology space now for 30 years. Its founder, president, and chief scientist Ravi...
Group business hotel - corporate travel - business traveler

AHLA-Sponsored Report Shows That Hotels Support More than 1 in 25 American Jobs

WASHINGTON  -- A new study released today finds that hotels support more than 1 in 25 American jobs—8.3 million in total—and contribute nearly $660...

Loyalty Contribution Continues to Rise Across U.S. Hotel Bookings

ROCKVILLE, MD – More than midway through 2019 it is a good time to reflect on the hotel industry’s performance so far this year....
Technology, personal devices

The Benefits and Challenges of Hotel Employees Using Personal Devices on the Job

Gone are the days of employees switching on mammoth desktop computers at 9 a.m. and off at 5 p.m. Today’s workforce is increasingly composed...
Mother and son using a digital tablet - data

Three Insights on How Data Is Changing the Relationship Between Travelers and Hotels

Guest connectivity goes beyond network strength and the fastest WiFi connection. Technology is also allowing hotels to interact with guests on a more personal...