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unconscious bias

Four Factors for Combating Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is a series of quick thoughts—often stemming from a collection of learned stereotypes influenced by a person’s background, cultural differences, and their...

Execs Give Their Advice To Women Starting Out in Hospitality

LODGING spoke with three hospitality leaders and asked what their advice is to women who are just starting out in the hotel business. “Confidence is...

10 Tips To Prevent Bed Bug Problems at Hotels

Summer is traditionally the time of year when bed bugs peak in activity. The causes are not well studied and could be related to...

Boosting a Hotel’s Advantage In Group Business Negotiations

A hotel’s group business revenue relies on its sales manager’s negotiation skills. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that they have the right tools and...

Improving Hotel NOI with Retro-Commissioning

Are you keeping your hotel assets running in great shape with regular energy efficiency tune-ups? As most new hotels get ready to open their...