Industry NewsFive Technologies Helping Hotels Meet Their Sustainability Goals

Five Technologies Helping Hotels Meet Their Sustainability Goals

As more people realize the effects that climate change has on a global scale, the issue of business sustainability has come to the forefront. Ever since the “green travel” trend has emerged, hoteliers have begun to take action by implementing sustainable solutions that attract new customers and reduce their property’s carbon footprint. Below are five technologies hoteliers should keep in mind when building or renovating a property that can help them meet their sustainability goals.

Adding sustainable fitness equipment

Hotels are adding more innovative features and programs to their fitness rooms to offer guests added value to their stays. However, traditional fitness equipment is often kept on and running even when not in use—wasting immense power and energy. A simple fix when considering going green is to use cordless cardio equipment that does not require any power. Going one step further, hotels can install sustainable fitness equipment that not only reduce energy, but generate it by capturing human power and turning it into usable, utility-grade electricity. The energy produced can help power lights, televisions, and anything else plugged into the same electrical grid. Additionally, if there are ever any grid problems or blackouts, the equipment can still perform.

Switch to LEDs

Switching from compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) to LED lights can help hoteliers cut down on their energy footprint. According to Energy Star, LEDs are 90 percent more efficient than incandescent light bulbs. LEDs are also more versatile than CFL or incandescent light bulbs, and the bulbs last longer. Less energy is used to get the same job done—lighting up a property.

Use occupancy sensors

Another way to save energy is to incorporate occupancy sensors into guestrooms. Hotel rooms are typically left empty or unused during the day. In the event a guest forgets to shut of their lights, occupancy sensors will determine when there is no activity within the room and shut the lights off. These sensors can also be used to automate other energy-saving measures, like adjusting the room’s temperature in-between guests.

Incorporate sustainable power sources

Installing sustainable power sources, like solar panels, can be a larger-scale commitment to lowering a property’s footprint. In the right location, lining a hotel’s roof or a section of grounds with solar panels can reduce the need and cost for electricity or gas.

Install energy-efficient windows

Another way for hotels to help with heat and electricity costs is to install smart technology windows such as electrochromic glass. This type of glass allows users to control the amount of heat or light that passes through the glass, giving hotels the ability to regulate temperature or natural light. The technologically advanced glass uses tiny electric signals to slightly charge the windows to change the amount of solar radiation it reflects. Not only does this feature save energy and reduce the need for electricity, it saves money, too.

Hoteliers should consider how these and other eco-friendly technologies can assist them in reaching their sustainability goals and decreasing their carbon footprint.

Ivo Grossi
Ivo Grossi
Ivo Grossi, CEO of Americas for SportsArt, has 25 years of North American and international executive experience in the fitness, health, and wellness industry. He is an agent of change for the organizations he works with and believes in the triple-bottom-line-approach to business: people, profit, and planet.


Having a Positive Impact

Before joining OUTRIGGER Hospitality Group, I had the privilege of working in public relations for the company.

Getting Pulled In

Although I went to the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell, my initial goal was to use the business focus of that program for a career in finance or consulting.


  1. If you are running a hotel business, it is necessary to keep researching and implementing sustainable technologies. Sustainable fitness equipment is one of the best options I would definitely recommend. It helps in reducing energy and at the same time captures human power and converts into usable electricity. The energy can be televisions, lights, etc.

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