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3 Essential Key Control Habits for Hotel Security Managers

Security technology systems that provide access control, asset management, and video surveillance are essential tools for hotel security managers to ensure compliance, reduce liability, and keep hotel guests...
security for smaller hotels

Team Effort: A Holistic Approach to Security for Smaller Properties

While “big box” hotels and major resorts often employ dedicated security personnel, the staff budget for smaller properties typically does not allow for those...
Anthony Melchiorri

Ask Anthony: Getting System Upgrades Approved on a Tight Budget

My hotel is currently operating on a very tight budget, and I am struggling to get necessary system upgrades approved to ensure proper security...

Thwarting Ransomware: 3 Stages of Preparedness for Hoteliers

As hotels and hospitality businesses grapple with the evolving cybersecurity threat landscape, one of the most massive challenges they face is ransomware. Potentially causing...

WorldVue Partners With ProSafe for Secure Hotel Environments

HOUSTON—WorldVue announced a partnership with ProSafe to provide a more secure environment for hotel employees at properties throughout the world. This partnership expands the...