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CYBER HITEC Hotel Effectiveness

‘Throw Out the Old School’: Rethinking Labor Management at CYBER HITEC

“Labor is an investment and not an expense.” That was among the key themes of a virtual session led by Del Ross, chief revenue...
Hotel team

Building a Team: Leaders Share Their Experiences at CYBER HITEC

The 2020 CYBER HITEC began the first day of its virtual conference on Oct. 27. On day one—during a panel entitled, “Build a Team—What...
Rosanna Maietta, AHLA Foundation president and executive vice president of communications and public relations at AHLA

How AHLA Foundation is Continuing its Mission in the New Environment

In the wake of the worldwide pandemic that precipitated a wave of layoffs and furloughs in the hotel industry, the American Hotel & Lodging...
COVID-19 Housekeeping

Seven Cost-Saving Measures to Help Hoteliers Avoid Layoffs

During the COVID-19 pandemic, hoteliers across the country are implementing cost-cutting measures to avoid wholesale reductions in force (RIFs), opting instead for temporary saving...
coronavirus basics: disinfecting

Coronavirus Basics: Important Steps That Every Hotel Must Immediately Enact

The lodging industry faces ever-increasing challenges regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19). They include an unanticipated significant drop in occupancy, massive employee layoffs, and in some...