Tag: housekeeping
5 Insights Into Housekeeper Preferences and Psychology
The expected increase in demand for hotel rooms in 2025 is a good news/bad news story for many hoteliers. Everyone’s happy with higher occupancy,...
Housekeeping’s Contribution to Sustainability
There are many habits that any housekeeping department can adopt to contribute to their hotel’s sustainability efforts. While many of these initiatives seem like...
5 Products to Enhance Operations and Guest Offerings
Housekeeping Management Platform
In September, Actabl launched Alice Housekeeping Refresh, which empowers teams to automate routine processes and manage assignments, providing clear visibility into daily...
Easing the Load: Insights From Miele Into Modern Washer Technology
The laundry room is a major hub of housekeeping operations, and highly efficient washers and dryers can save labor time and costs, while supporting...
Accommodating Feather-Free Requests and Allergy Concerns
While research sponsored by the National Institutes of Health has determined that feather allergy is very rare, many individuals suffer from adverse health effects...