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Eric Danziger

A ‘Two-Name’ Industry: Eric Danziger on Combining the Heart for Hospitality With a Head...

Newly retired hospitality icon Eric Danziger, who may be best remembered as the only CEO of Trump Hotels who wasn’t a Trump family member,...
Eric Danziger

Eric Danziger Retires as CEO of Braintree Group

BOISE, Idaho—After a career spanning over five decades in the hospitality industry, Eric Danziger, CEO of Braintree Group and Resolute Road Hospitality, has officially...

Good Advice: Operating a Brand Amidst Controversy

Eric Danziger, CEO of Trump Hotels, knows about operating a brand amidst controversy. He offers the following insight for hoteliers who may be in...

One-of-a-Kind Experience: Eric Danziger Helms Trump Hotels

Eric Danziger describes himself as a worker bee. As a young teenager, he would find ways to earn money around his San Francisco neighborhood:...

Eric Danziger Appointed CEO of Trump Hotel Collection

The Trump Hotel Collection has appointed hospitality veteran Eric Danziger as its first chief executive officer. Danziger, who has more than four decades of...