Industry NewsBrandsMarriott to Provide 'Made in USA' Towels in Every U.S. Hotel

Marriott to Provide ‘Made in USA’ Towels in Every U.S. Hotel

BETHESDA, Md.—Marriott International has today announced that it will provide “Made in USA” towels and bath mats in every guest bathroom in nearly 3,000 U.S. hotels. Buying “Made in USA” towels and bath mats benefits U.S. manufacturing communities such as Thomaston, Ga., and Union, S.C., where manufacturing company Standard Textile is producing them with 100 percent cotton fiber grown in the U.S.

Marriott’s commitment to buy “Made in USA” guestroom terry products creates 150 new jobs in Standard Textile’s facilities in Thomaston and Union, as well as at the company’s Cincinnati headquarters and through its supply chain.

“As a global company based in the United States, we’re proud to be the first hospitality company to commit to providing our guests with ‘Made in USA’ bathroom towels in our U.S. hotels,” said Marriott President and CEO Arne Sorenson.

“We believe our guests will appreciate knowing that even simple items they use every day in our hotels represent progress for the U.S. economy,” said Executive Chairman J.W. “Bill” Marriott, Jr. “We also hope this sends a message to other businesses that buying locally can make business sense.”

Overall, this commitment will mean the annual production of 2.6 million bath towels and 4.9 million hand towels—the equivalent of as much as 5.6 million pounds of textiles. If laid end-to-end, the textiles Marriott will purchase in one year would stretch more than 4,300 miles. The commitment to manufacture these textiles in the U.S., also reduces greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating more than 300 ocean going container shipments annually.

Marriott’s “Made in USA” commitment with Standard Textile expands the two companies’ long-standing relationship. Last year, Marriott recognized Standard Textile’s commitment to continuous collaboration, innovative new products and superior service by giving the company its 2015 Americas Recognition Award.

“Marriott’s desire to provide guests with terry bath products made by U.S. textile artisans speaks to the heart of why Standard Textile is thriving and creating new jobs after 76 years,” said Gary Heiman, president and CEO. “Our commitment to technology driven manufacturing and innovation has enabled us to expand our operations in the U.S., creating a sustainable infrastructure for Marriott’s ‘Made in USA’ products.”


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