Home Authors Posts by Robin McLaughlin

Robin McLaughlin

Robin McLaughlin is digital editor of LODGING.
Streaming TV

The Streaming Companies That Are Changing How Guests Consume Media in Hotels

It’s probably fair to say that Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video have completely changed the way most people consume media. Hulu recently announced that it has 25 million subscribers in the United States,...
Andaz Palm Springs

Creating Scent in Hotels

The five senses play an important role in designing a hotel, but scent is often one of the most overlooked elements. Sensory memory directly correlates with smell—something as small as smelling freshly cut grass...

Four Highlights From ISHC’s 2018 Study of Capital Expenditures in the Hotel Industry

The International Society of Hospitality Consultants (ISHC) in partnership with the Hospitality Asset Managers Association (HAMA) has released the fifth edition of ISHC CapEx 2018: A Study of Capital Expenditures in the Hotel Industry. In...
Robot Automation

How Automated Technologies Help Hotel Humans

To say that technology has impacted hotel operations is a massive understatement. Connectivity, smart devices, and AI reign supreme, and operations today are almost unrecognizable when compared to just a few years ago. One area...

Six Takeaways from JLL’s 2019 Hotel Investment Outlook

Global hotel transaction volume reached $68 billion in 2018, but JLL's 2019 Hotel Investment Outlook predicts that growth will slow in the upcoming year due to uncertainty in trade relations, politics, and economic growth...