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Tag: revenue management

How the Components of Labor Costs Affect Hotels’ Bottom Lines

Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly compensation for a hospitality industry employee increased by 3.6 percent in 2016. In the hotel...

Ask Anthony: Growing Profits at an Over-Performing Property?

Anthony Melchiorri, hotel fixer and host of Travel Channel’s Hotel Impossible, loves dishing out advice through "Ask Anthony." From sharing best practices to tackling...

10 Traits of an Ideal Revenue Manager

With recent improvements in technology and a focus on acquisition cost, the defining characteristics of today’s ideal revenue manager have changed—and through our work...

New Points of Reference in Revenue Management

Revenue management software is an integral tool in any hotelier’s toolkit. And, with the ever-evolving technology landscape, new trends are emerging in the software,...

Navigating Markets in Flux

While there are plenty of industry folks forecasting the imminent end of the current lodging cycle, the street-corner nature of this business means that...