Tag: lighting
Seven Ways To Effectively Combine Indoor and Outdoor Spaces in Hotels
People in the United States, on average, spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. However, this...
Six Benefits of LED Lighting for Hotels in 2018
LED lighting is becoming increasingly popular over incandescent and fluorescent bulbs in homes and even on the headlights of cars. And it's no wonder...
The Benefits of Outdoor Security Lighting
Hotels should be places where guests feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Good exterior security lighting not only adds a bit of evening ambiance to...
Five Hospitality Lighting Trends
It’s a transitional period for lighting trends in the hospitality industry and hotels are searching for more efficient and cost-effective lighting options. Hubbell Lighting...
Enhancing the Guest Experience with LED Technology
Over the last six to ten years, the hospitality industry has undergone a high-tech transformation as restaurant owners and hoteliers are quickly innovating to...