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Shifts in Revenue and Expenses Boost Hotel F&B Profits

Consumer dining trends tend to be more volatile than lodging trends. Recognizing this, hotel managers have made some significant changes in the way they...

The Challenge of Streamlining Supplier Invoice Payments

When it comes to receiving invoices from suppliers—regardless of whether a hotelier runs a small bed and breakfast or a large, multinational hotel chain—suppliers...

To PIP or Flip? The Costs, Benefits of Property Improvement Plans

Hoteliers whose portfolios are mostly composed of branded hotels are familiar with the ins and outs of property improvement plans (PIPs). These PIPs are...

Analysis: Are Franchise Fees Worth the Cost?

In the current market environment’s modest growth in revenue, hotel owners and operators are paying extra attention to their operating expenses. Per the June...

How the Components of Labor Costs Affect Hotels’ Bottom Lines

Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly compensation for a hospitality industry employee increased by 3.6 percent in 2016. In the hotel...