Lodging Daily News

Will Meetings Market Recovery Continue In 2012?

Posted by LODGING Staff on  January 16, 2012
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Category: Market Reports
According to Smith Travel Research, group demand (measured as a percent of total demand) began to grow year-over-year in March of 2010. Since then, the group occupancy rate has steadily increased, but has yet to reach the pre-recession levels observed in 2007 and 2008. While greater numbers of conventioneers may be seen roaming the lobbies, pre-function spaces, and banquet halls of U.S. hotels, operators and owners are telling us that negotiations with meeting planners are

Website Design

Posted by LODGING Staff on  January 13, 2012
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Category: Uncategorized
Did you develop your own website and now it needs an updated and more professional look? Do you need website optimization but the cost terrifies you? Spur of the Moment Ranch in Wisconsin shares its experiences with other small and independent properties. FIND A WEB DESIGNER The Ranch has had a website for 10 years, and it was developed internally. It needed serious updating and a fresh, new look. To attract a larger group of

Occupy Hotels

Posted by LODGING Staff on  January 9, 2012
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We’ve begun a presidential election year, which means from here on out everything will be viewed through the prism of an election. In a year when election decisions will make a difference, we need to demonstrate the importance of our industry. This year, AH&LA’s Legislative Action Summit (LAS) falls during the perfect time (Feb. 29-March 1) to make an impact and it is imperative that the lodging industry shows in full force. Between travel issues,
Ten exhibitors received Editors’ Choice Awards during the opening ceremonies of the 96th annual International Hotel, Motel + Restaurant Show (IHMRS) and the second Boutique Design New York (BDNY), Nov. 13, 2011, at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. The awards recognize the best new products in design, equipment and supplies, guest amenities, tabletop, and technology, as well as an eco-friendly equivalent to each of these categories. From the 10 winners, the Kenneth

For Members Only

Posted by LODGING Staff on  January 6, 2012
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Certain privileges come with being an AH&LA member, like getting access to our members-only website. We house tons of vital industry data, legislative resources, and informative publications to help you run a more efficient, profitable business. The resources available in the members-only section of www.ahla.com include: -ADA materials on the new regulations | The compliance deadline for most new requirements is March 2012, and these resources will help make sure you’re prepared. -The new publication