Lodging Daily News

Flexible and Functional

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 6, 2012
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In today’s high-tech world, more and more hotels are offering business travelers sleek and flexible meeting spaces equipped with the latest technologies. That is largely because many business travelers these days don’t leave home without their all-important gadgets. And those laptops, smartphones, and tablets aren’t simply conveniences—they’re necessary in order to get work done. Technology is so essential to Hotel 1000 in Seattle that the 6-year-old hotel recently upgraded its IT system. “We already had

Maintaining Minibars

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 6, 2012
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You might think in today’s hotel environment—with so many food and beverage offerings emerging in hotels—minibars might be seeing less use by guests. If you do, you couldn’t be more wrong. The fact of the matter is that minibar usage has held steady throughout the years and today approximately 24 out of 100 hotel guests utilize the in-room minibar. “Their average spend per occupied room is $2.45,” adds Walt Strasser, executive vice president of sales

Television Buying for Guestrooms

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 5, 2012
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In the world of guestroom technology, the television is still a central component in hotel guest satisfaction. Today as the hospitality industry continues to rebound from the last recession, more and more hotel operators are launching renovation projects that may have been on the back-burner for several years—this is no more evident than in upgrading televisions to maintain or improve the guest experience. These projects vary from the overhauling of old CRT box models for

High-Tech Housekeeping

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 1, 2012
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Category: Housekeeping, Operations
What’s most important to hotel guests? You’ll get no penalty if the word “service” immediately came to mind. Guest service is and always will remain the essence of hospitality, but in this age of a transient population hotel cleanliness has overtaken service in the eyes of the traveling public, according to research conducted by Booz and Company. That sentiment is at the heart of Best Western International’s rollout of its I Care Clean program this

Colorado Springs Goes Boutique

Posted by LODGING Staff on  May 31, 2012
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Colorado Springs, which sits approximately one hour south of Denver, has plenty to offer visitors seeking out natural wonders, cultural activities, and mouthwatering cuisine. But, up until this year, the city lacked a boutique hotel destination designed to capture the essence and excitement of the downtown. When Perry Sanders, owner of the newly minted The Mining Exchange, bought up three historic buildings six years ago, he immediately saw the potential to transform the location into