Reaches 250 Partner Hotels Reaches 250 Partner Hotels

WOODLAND, Calif.—Extended Stayer has officially partnered with 250 hotels with the addition of the MainStay Suites in Pensacola, Fla. Roshan Patel, chief executive said, “I am delighted to reach such a large number of hotels in such a quick span of time.”

He also went on to say that hotels have been taking the concept behind Extended Stayer very well. “We are glad that hotels are onboard with our idea, it makes signing up hotels easy. Hotels don’t pay us a dime unless they make something – that’s pretty much our selling point.” Patel also mentioned that Extended Stayer is now on pace to add another 250 hotels in a quarter of the time of the first 250. “The word is out about Extended Stayer – the ball is finally rolling and we’re getting a lot of new hotel sign-ups everyday by referrals of existing hotels.”

Extended Stayer is a new hotel booking website specifically designed for travelers looking to book extended stays. The site enables travelers to find extended stay hotel rooms with no fees or obligations. When users post their hotel reservations on, hotels will be able to see their travel plans and offer bids. As a result, travelers get to skip Internet searching, phone calling, and note taking.