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Tag: smart strategy

Where Liability Falls When Guest Safety is Compromised

It almost sounds like the beginning of a low-budget horror movie. According to his claims, in 2008 Michael David Barrett gained access to a...

Using Risk Transfer to Protect Your Property’s Assets

The success of a hotel depends on many variables, one of them being a strong and effective risk management plan. However, many properties forget...

Five CEOs Share Best Advice for Hotel Owners

Regardless of whether the hotel industry has reached the peak of the cycle, fundamentals remain healthy. Here’s what owners should prepare for as they...

Importance of Efficiency When Creating a New Brand Identity

Despite achieving record financial performance in 2014, Value Place saw an opportunity to expand its network, gain access to new markets and customer segments,...

Reduce Workplace Injuries, Boost Productivity

High levels of customer satisfaction in the hospitality and leisure industries are critical to the success of any property. It is even more challenging...