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Tag: housekeeping

The Germiest Places in a Hotel Guestroom

Given that a hotel guestroom may house hundreds of different travelers each year, cleanliness is of paramount importance to prevent the transfer of germs...

Steps to Increase Housekeeper Safety

Because they often work alone, room attendants are vulnerable to assault. In the past five years, several housekeeping attendants have become the victims of...

How to Avoid Cross Contaminating Clean Linens

There are several ways that freshly laundered linens can be cross contaminated and rendered unsanitary. Here are a few points to focus on to...

Bouncing Back After Bed Bugs

The only thing that scares hotel operators more than bed bugs is an empty hotel room, yet the two often go hand in hand....

How to Calculate Housekeeping Times

Time is money. For the lodging industry, this is especially applicable when it comes to cleaning costs. Many facility managers assume they can multiply...