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Tag: good housekeeping

Room Attendant Oversights That Really Irritate Guests

As the poet Emily Dickinson reminded us, “If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves.” Indeed, often...
safety and security

Quick-Check Safety and Security Items in Guestrooms

When it comes to servicing guestrooms, housekeepers must observe and report any deficiencies that may compromise guest safety and security. Following are several “quick...
guestroom cleaning protocol

The New Guestroom Cleaning Protocol

As hotels continue to struggle to fully staff their housekeeping departments in a post-COVID environment, many properties are opting to offer guestroom cleaning only...

Up Front: Keeping Up Curb Appeal

Many travelers will hit the road this summer, increasing the need for enhanced curbside appeal at hotels near mainline routes. And while the adage...
servicing accessible rooms

Servicing Accessible Rooms

The housekeeping department plays an important role in helping to ensure that a hotel is able to accommodate guests with disabilities. Too often, impediments...