Updating Efficiencies: Integrating Strategies to Innovate in the Evolving Hospitality Landscape

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the hospitality industry, businesses continuously strive for innovation to enhance operational efficiencies, customer satisfaction, and ESG goals. Procell InSite emerges as a pioneering solution, integrating cutting-edge technology to meet these demands. This comprehensive system offers a seamless approach to managing operational tasks, promoting environmental sustainability, and elevating the guest experience, making it a game-changer for hotels, resorts, entertainment venues, and other hospitality enterprises.

Procell InSite is a new disruptive innovation designed for the hospitality industry made by Procell, the professional brand of the Duracell company. It is a wireless device management system that allows facilities to connect their battery-operated devices to a single online system and track when batteries and other consumables need replacing. The hardware can connect to door locks, soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers, faucets, and flush valves, which are then connected to a simple web-based dashboard integrating advanced analytics, predictive maintenance, and real-time operational management tools.

Optimize Your Operational Efficiencies and Save Your Business Money

One of the primary benefits of Procell InSite is its remarkable ability to streamline operations and significantly optimize the manual workload. Did you know that today many facilities change batteries on a schedule to prevent device failure but by doing so they are usually throwing away power?

Procell InSite gives you the ability to manage multiple devices across one or several facilities, whether that is door locks or other battery-operated devices. The platform takes the guesswork out of maintaining devices and ensures a proactive approach to device management. Whether it’s battery waste, consumables, or labor inefficiencies, Procell InSite provides the necessary data to be a more efficient and responsible organization. Knowing when to maintain battery-operated devices will minimize device downtime and help you optimize the workforce so your staff can focus on more strategic tasks that enhance guest experiences and operational outcomes.


Procell InSite’s analytics capabilities are also beneficial for other operational efficiencies. The platform can analyze patterns and trends, helping management make informed decisions. This level of efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also minimizes the likelihood of device downtime, contributing to a smoother, more reliable service delivery.

Helps You Meet Your Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is a cornerstone of modern hospitality, with guests increasingly favoring eco-friendly practices. Procell is the world’s first dual-brand portfolio and when using the right battery in the right device, provides long-lasting performance (constant and intense). Procell batteries are high quality and therefore long-lasting, increasing order cycles and transportation emissions.

Procell InSite offers on top a solution and insights that help reduce waste, conserve energy, and promote sustainable operations. Through smart technology, the system monitors battery power and consumable levels across several facilities. This not only leads to significant power and consumable savings but also reduces the carbon footprint of hospitality establishments.

Moreover, Procell InSite offers a complete battery recycling program that helps you meet your battery recycling requirements, at no additional cost. By minimizing waste and enhancing recycling efforts, hospitality businesses can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship, appealing to eco-conscious consumers, and contributing positively to their community and the planet.

Enhance your Guest Satisfaction

In today’s dynamic hospitality landscape, delivering exceptional guest experiences is fundamental for ensuring sustained competitiveness and revenue growth. Leveraging the cutting-edge technological solution of Procell InSite presents a unique opportunity to augment guest experiences. The solution excels in facilitating proactive maintenance, a game-changing approach that predicts and addresses potential device failures before they impact guests. This predictive maintenance capability ensures that all battery-operated devices such as door locks, soap dispensers, faucets, and more operate seamlessly, significantly reducing the risk of guest discomfort due to equipment malfunctions.

By employing advanced analytics, Procell InSite monitors the power levels and performance of critical devices, scheduling maintenance tasks to avoid disruptions during guest stays. This not only elevates the guest experience by providing a flawless environment but also demonstrates a commitment to excellence and attentiveness from the hospitality provider. The result is a significant boost in guest satisfaction, as experiences are smooth, and expectations are not just met but exceeded. Procell InSite’s strategic approach to maintenance and device management thus emerges as a pivotal factor in ensuring that every guest enjoys a memorable, trouble-free stay, cementing a positive reputation for the hospitality brand in a competitive market.


Procell InSite represents a transformative solution for the hospitality industry, addressing key areas of operational efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. By leveraging this powerful platform, hospitality businesses can streamline their operations, reduce their environmental impact, and offer an unparalleled guest experience. As the industry continues to evolve, adopting such innovative solutions will be essential for businesses looking to stay competitive and meet the ever-changing demands of guests. Procell InSite is not just a tool for today’s hospitality industry; it’s a roadmap for a more efficient, sustainable, and customer-centric future.

To truly understand the benefits of Procell InSite, we invite you to explore the personalized impact it can have on your own business through the Procell InSite Value Calculator.

Sponsored by Procell, the professional brand of the Duracell company.

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Laura Rouchouze, B2B Marketing Manager, the Duracell Company