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AARP: More Baby Boomers Want Relaxing Getaways in 2018

WASHINGTON—A new survey from AARP Travel finds that baby boomers report fewer vacation barriers heading into 2018 and express a stronger urge to relax...

Nearly 51 Million Americans to Travel This Thanksgiving

ORLANDO, Fla.–AAA projects 50.9 million people in the United States will journey 50 miles or more away from home this Thanksgiving, a 3.3 percent...

WalletHub Names the Best U.S. Cities for 2017 Winter Holiday Travel

The Old Farmers' Almanac is predicting a colder, wetter, and snowier winter season and WalletHub has released a list of the best winter destinations...

U.S. Cities Named Among Best Winter Destinations

WASHINGTON—U.S. News & World Report released its annual rankings of best winter destinations and vacations. The rankings highlight 20 global destinations to explore during...

Business Travelers Are Still Going Rogue With Hotel Bookings

BELLEVUE, Wash.—A recent study by Egencia, Expedia's business travel arm, found that business travelers continue to book outside their travel program when it comes...