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Tag: mobile apps

Building Guest Loyalty with Better Mobile Apps

It’s no secret that mobile apps offer a bright future for hotel chains interested in building loyalty with their guests. This is especially true...

How Texting Is Changing Hotels’ Internal Communications

Communicating with hotel staff while on-property—whether they are on the grounds or in a guestroom—has long been a challenge for hoteliers. Telephones, radios, and...

Guests Ask for Better Functionality in Apps

Many consumers are underwhelmed by mobile hotel apps, according to a survey from QikServe. More than two-thirds of consumers use their phone to search...

Marriott Hotels Adds Mobile Request Chat Feature

BETHESDA, Md.—Travelers everywhere will be able to instantly connect with 500 Marriott Hotels worldwide before, during, and after their stays using the new Mobile...

3 Hotel Apps That Go Above and Beyond to Engage Guests

Increasingly, guests want to interact with a hotel before, during, and even after their stays. Many successful hotels have recognized this and have implemented...