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Cost Controls Drove Hotels’ Profit Growth in 2016

U.S. hoteliers enjoyed a seventh consecutive year of increasing profits in 2016 despite a slowdown in the rate of revenue growth. According to the...

When Management Fee Growth Threatens The Profits It Reflects

The U.S. lodging industry’s recovery from the depths of the recent recession was characterized by strong growth in rooms revenue (RevPAR) concurrent with strict...

CBRE Arranges Sale of Marriott Downtown Des Moines

DES MOINES, Iowa—CBRE Hotels announced that it has arranged the sale of a 417-room Marriott in downtown Des Moines at 700 Grand Avenue in...

Spa Revenue Surpassing Room Revenue Growth

NEW YORK—In 2015, hotel spa department revenue grew at a faster pace compared to other sources of hotel revenue. According to the recently released...

CBRE Forecasts Mixed Levels of Success for Hotels in 2017

ATLANTA—The 2017 outlook for U.S. hotels offers mixed blessings, with near record occupancy levels projected while average daily room rates (ADR) are expected to...