Home Tags 2021 hotel performance

Tag: 2021 hotel performance

August 2021

STR: U.S. Hotel Performance Continues to Decline

HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee—U.S. hotel performance has continued to decline from previous weeks, according to STR's latest data through August 21, 2021. This reflects seasonal demand...
COVID-19 profit 2020

Baird/STR Hotel Stock Index Dropped Three Percent in June 2021

HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee, and MILWAUKEE—The Baird/STR Hotel Stock Index dropped 3.0 percent in June to a level of 4,993. Year-to-date through the first six months...

STR: U.S. Hotel Occupancy Hits Highest Level in 85 Weeks

HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee—According to STR's latest data through June 19, 2021, U.S. weekly hotel occupancy has hit its highest level in 85 weeks. U.S. Hotel Performance June...