Lodging Daily News

Let Them Eat Cake

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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Across the pond, from coast to coast, U.S. hotels joined the worldwide celebration of the royal wedding in London between Prince William and Kate Middleton, now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, on April 29. At the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills, Calif., the doorman dressed up as a sentry of the Queen’s Guard and manned his station along Wilshire Boulevard, where two Mini Coopers sporting the Union Jack flag were parked. The hotel’s restaurant,

Independent Rewards

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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It’s been a little more than a year since Stash Hotel Rewards was launched with the aim of helping independent hotels attract frequent travelers. And, what started with 64 independent hotels on May 20, 2010, has ballooned to 147 hotels today, establishing a new avenue for independent hotels to market themselves to the all-important business traveler set. Jeff Low, founder and CEO of Stash, says that it is an entirely new type of hotel rewards

Greening the Bathroom

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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It’s often said that the key to a good hotel room is a good bed and good shower. Just as bedding has morphed from merely comfortable to comfortable and eco-friendly, so too are the bathrooms. These days, hotels are offering up more than just a hot shower; they’re offering bathrooms with efficiency, sustainability, and a sense of the eco- conscious design that consumers are finding increasingly more important when making their choice of stay. As

Meet the New Meetings

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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It’s been a tough couple of years in the meeting business: the finally fading AIG effect that placed a stigma on luxury meetings in particular; the reluctance of corporations to spend money on business travel; and the emergence of technologies that promise low-cost substitutes for face-to-face events. A turnaround does seem to be in place, but the meetings landscape has been permanently transformed by all of the above. Some meetings industry leaders see a silver

Price Begets Profits

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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In the March 2011 edition of our monthly Hospitality Market Update newsletter, PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR) made the following observation: “The driving force behind revenue growth in 2011 is clearly price positioning. The higher the room rate, the greater the projected growth in ADR and, consequently, RevPAR.” After analyzing the results of the 2011 Trends® in the Hotel Industry survey, the relationship between price positioning and profits appears to be as strong as the correlation