The U.S. construction pipeline kicked off the first quarter of 2018 with 5,255 projects and a total of 636,174 rooms, up 4 percent by projects and 6 percent by rooms year-over-year (YOY), according to analysts at Lodging Econometrics (LE). The current quarter is just 628 projects/149,373 rooms—or 11 percent—below the highest pipeline level recorded by LE a decade ago in Q2 2008. LE analysts expect the pipeline to continue its modest growth through 2018.
In the United States, there are 1,592 projects totaling 205,449 rooms under construction, up 5 percent by projects YOY. Projects scheduled to start construction in the next 12 months are down 5 percent YOY at 2,297 projects/272,459 rooms and projects in early planning stages are up 23 percent YOY at 1,366 projects/158,366 rooms.