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Self checkout kiosk - lobby retail

Changing Landscape: Adapting to Digital Tipping Operations

The pandemic forced the acceleration of cashless, digital payments and some of the U.S. population now uses a form of digital wallet. For onsite...

Hilton Announces Digital Art and NFT Pilot Program

MCLEAN, Virginia—Hilton announced a new digital art and NFT pilot program that will show seasonally rotating art collections from digital artists in select New...
electric vehicle

EVPassport Launches EV Charging Software Platform

LOS ANGELES—EVPassport announced the release of the EVPassport Hotel Cloud, an EV charging software platform to drive hotel guest engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty while...

Steadfast Service: Three Retail Technologies Hotels Are Adopting

While they’re different entities serving different purposes, the retail and hotel industries have much in common. Ultimately, they’re both selling a product or brand,...

Metaverse Hospitality to Launch Three Digital Hotels

TAMPA, Florida—While the COVID-19 pandemic changed tourism, it also exacerbated the move into the digital world for the industry. Enter the Metaverse and web3,...